The Basic Girl's Guide to Long Distance Relationships

Let me start by saying that I am the QUEEN of LDRs. No lie. I've dated from Oregon to Georgia, Alabama to Virginia, Kansas to Virginia, and Georgia to Virginia. I don't know what it is, but I always find myself in one.

For those of you princesses in one as well at the moment, I have put together this little guide for you! Full of tips and ideas to keep things going!

6. BoldLoft.Com
Shop BoldLoft Couple Gifts

This site is the absolute best for LDRs. It's pretty much what they specialize. So whether your hunny is a soldier, student, or careerman; he'll be sure to be surprised with these cute gifts!

Also, guys, we love this stuff.

5. A Couples App
I think this is the best idea ever, honestly. It's adorable and comes with cute features like "Thumb Kiss". It keeps all the special moments saved privately in one place and connects the two of you. Use video, audio, photos, to communicate. Create to-do lists, set reminders, share location, and suggest places to go out on date nights.

For iPhone: Pair or Avacado

4. Packages
Military girlfriends and wives know all about care-packages. Small packages fill with random goodies are always a nice surprise! Wrap it all pretty and craft a cute note, or go out side of the box and find a new container to use, the sky is the limit!!

3. Advent Calendar
Such a cute way to countdown the days you two lovebirds are reunited once again! Use notes listing reasons you like about them or what made you miss them that day. It's a great and easy and unique way to convey your love and want. Get creative!

2. Milktape
Breaking away from the norm of CDs, throwing back to cassettes, and fast forwarding to the present...I give you milktape! USB drives that hold music and look like cassette tapes! Put your mixtape skills to use!
1. Make a Claddagh Bracelet (His/Hers)
I love claddagh, it's beautiful. Here's a bit more insight:

  1. On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, the wearer is single and may be looking for love. (This is most commonly the case when a young woman has first received the ring from a relative, unless she is already engaged.)
  2. On the right hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, the wearer is in a relationship.
  3. On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the fingertips, the wearer is engaged.
  4. On the left hand with the point of the heart toward the wrist, the wearer is married.
Just google search "Claddagh Beads" or "Claddagh Charms" and find the ones you want. Then create a bracelet. Awesome!

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